2016 – ValueBiotech S.r.l.

Leonardo Start Up Special prize  

CEO Antonello Forgione

Operating without leaving scars or causing pain and enabling the patient to swiftly return to a normal life – this is what ValueBioTech Srl  aims to achieve via the Minimal Invasive Light Automatic Natural Orifice (M.I.L.A.N.O.) Robot. This advanced and patented technology, developed from an Italian surgeon’s idea, enables entry into the abdomen without painful incisions, as the robot automatically disassembles and reassembles itself, taking with it all the instruments required for the operation. The M.I.L.A.N.O. robot is equipped with a very advanced, high-definition 3D viewing system and a computerised supervision system, thus ensuring that vital structures are always protected from accidental damage, to the benefit of the patient’s safety. The prototype of the M.I.L.A.N.O robot, which is currently being tested in the laboratory, will cater to further developments in order to be able to respond to the needs of the Italian and international markets. With three patents filed and currently in the concession phase, ValueBioTech employs young engineers with different profiles and has activated various contracts with Italian research institutes and small and medium Italian and international firms. ValueBioTech has also set up its own subsidiary in Israel via which it has received public funding from the Israeli Ministry of Research and Development. Moreover, thanks to its international investors, the company has already signed distribution agreements for the product in Europe, China and Japan.




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